Chronica Phonica
Satire comes in with Shakespeare? Shakespierre comes in with clowns.
Started redoing poem called Ransacking Humptiness. Its almost done. Still finalizing ending.
Dont know when will publish the piece here working on called Ugliness Plugliness and Smugliness that came out of arguing with CJ.
Thinking collecting few poems and sending to Paris Review. Just to let them know I exist. Up to six poems, once. April.
I actually got quite upset over fighting online with CJ. But he doesnt understand that for us the vote is about our freedoms. Not about Gaza. And its right on the table.
I am not taking sides on Gaza. This is Middle East war for 100 years. They need to settle. Hamas and Israel need to settle. Neither will ever stop?
Hamas will not negotiate itself out of existence and Israel sees them as an Enemy Number 1. But Gaza is being bulldozed top to bottom again. West Bank has been cut off again, economic shut doors to.
Still alas my heart is more with Ukraine. Cause I hate Putin. I think him more dangerous to USA. And I could be in part Ukrainian or somewhere near there? Any Baltic in you?
Proust To help with Middleton
Political piece that is a poem? No,not at all. Rhyming is kept out of it.
Tho its kind of Proust smitten. I read proust now every night got for xmas from nephew, grand fr ang translated swanns way para by para. Really enjoying.
I listen to French online everyday. J’adorerais une semaine Isle de St. Louis. Way he builds that interests me. Not what he writes about? No that does too… He can be an easy read. In sections. Without giving up anything.
He questions everything Swanns Way. So I am leaning in on his approach to Middleton. Proust can swirl, and its spoken of with moms there. Listening.
Beckett does something of the Mom thing too, but with Beckett char, oftener than not, perform as bridge way to his mutants.
Mutants are transformative chars that grow out of a writers world tree as cradle and bee…
Beckett never mentioned Moms? in Fair to Middling. Cant remember….
Fair to Middling, Beckett’s kvetch as a buck stuck fucking Fair to Middlings. Substackers in fact discuss this same topic?
In part in part…
Ugly Plugly and Smugly, is a cross between mudslinging and satire? no not really. Calming down regurge of my point of view.
Then compares to the thing that happened to me, after I discovered Oblivion Mining as a festering for nonexistence exploding into drama mamas. Plural.
Satire comes in with Shakespeare? Shakespierre comes in with clowns.
Shakespierre. That run in I have between Shakes and Genet was an instrumental. Writers who play for notes. And Bode A Lair.
I mock my cunt often viciously not my sex as much as my cunt, the thing that makes me that. And what it does to me. With Syvlia as a gardener. And Kathy as a bat (both kinds).
Astonishing how rapturous that hate for my existence who is undeniable, my existence is undeniable. I am here. As long as I am here.
Oblivion as Threshold to Nirvana
Mining oblivion for me is over by nirvana, its an elevation of death bunny business and a host of corruption of faith in tomorrow.
And discovery of meanness jerking slough aloft, as a forlorn riot of the dismal and dismay.
Darkness is a journey with American Indian Relics if you let it. I found Nirvana over by the Aztecs. Wasnt pretty. Skinning slaves, is a horror. Horror went searching for the buddha markers, not for a savior, more of an escape into nonbeing —— than religious protection of gods love, against the horror and angst.
Hybrids as Reasoning
Other piece meanwhile and working on, is at the moment called Undead as Fourth Gender. Its not quite a hybrid? Its about I dont know, not finished yet. Tho methinks it is thinking in Hybrid about what to do with creating that.
Fiction is in the philosophy? Yes. Its discussing-ness, its rhetorical floral seen as being in a pickle and escalations to the fiendish and warring with the taboo.
Languish working thru fecking wisps who do acid taint rationing repeaters, heard through vengeance? Only partly, avengers are much more than that, bravado seeking (sub) traction —
Index is a Honeydue for NC, as a visionary for living with its mixies, right on the vortex…
More than something of a rope to walk across. To present tense? That was serious.
Gesture Drawings
I got a gig to do 13 gestures for a book, third book doing gestures for. No fourth.
Its an academic book on gestures by David McNeill.
Pure gestures in b/w true to form but simplified through mechanics I learned doing croquis.
Which requires abiding to use of form for usage of a specific need and occurs at pretty much every level of development in fashion…
enjoying this format.