Flight of the Flowerhead
The bad and the beautiful, the giddy and the god awful. A pride, a prejudice and a passion.
The bad and the beautiful, the giddy and the god awful. A pride, a prejudice and a passion. Hitting a triple. Space to rover for glory, touched by freedom's madness.
A pride, a prejudice and a passion.
Sure poison is jealousy. Or that old hat didge: forbidden fruit.
Or the way the wind stirs things up across a panorama of gesture, teases dare into function, knots of contempt or virtue. Generics and gender. Generosity and splendor. War and its gods. Deadly bods...
At center, an arrow thru the heart, insinuations insemination of a devilish seed. How greed bleeds, as it frees.
The Wanted...
A pride of noble delusions, but fallen -- the beautiful having fallen.
A sacrificial hydrant, that goes off, visionary lark-a-dark, as a divine contaminant? Spirit racing after it.
A sacrificial hydrant, that goes off, visionary lark-a-dark, as a divine contaminant? Spirit racing after it.
Whilst shame goes insane.
Escalating curtseys to a misery.
Crispy critters with castle keys (Kafka poppies). Keys so important, they evict with treasure of the enemy, along with superparticulate (aka medieval math 4/3) saturation - searching for think over a drink for sorrow and its blasting run offs.