Enticements swells of hell under the sea under the sea Dong long, ping pong my subliterate sing song. Love, loves and despises what it steals - Raising guises, blunt disguises. Behooveful madness trails with surprises — Playing for tools ? fishes in schools. The great mirror shipyard and rules ? Eyes in headlights, nearer nearer — Knife out for a smearer Peppers ghosts a pile on - to extricate the crouching lion. Poetic aviary bravery for slavery? Stunning snowblindness. Truant for a hoe row baby row. Dangling spangling like a trap for flies My fleuries arise riddled, addled In the name of love Venture to subsist adventure to resist Daring scaring — mutually unsparing. What to do with scares That bumble like a bee That dance with bears, Stew and stow howl in the heat. And wandering turbid, how the timids will bleat. Shocked at reversals ganglionic perversals, frantically free. Heart sinks into a bilk Where ancestors thirst discovered raw silk. Mold grieves and believes in staking tears for fears what it means to be eerie. The blurs the fleurs the purrs and demurers, the sacks, and attacks. The death spinning furtives going holy assertive Burying the bone into a balkline, under the sea under the sea — Only to punch out a hole through the haughty noodle bowl like a miracle of gravity.
Humpty, forever falling running into waves Screaming the king is dead long live the slave ? Indy fencibles love you till you rot Measures and pleasures assail for treasures, on love. The ironic double what glorious trouble — Love it because I want to hopeless, to a hope! Backsies and a firewhirl, the floral envelope.