"Tenderness to language is insinuated to a certain extent by who I write around. And I like that that happens. Stealing always shocks me." Love this. You are a person who has read Shakespeare, surely? Overall it looks like it.

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023Author

Yes shakespeare haunts me, his swirls and his packets. He writes in packets. Striking striking language through verse. Verse is a way of striking meaning into words that arrive contrive alive, in packets.... But I push language to limits and try break into it too -- specifically with shakespeare as he does, the contractionating sylls into language via chop offs and new endings -- difference Joyce and new sublitters -- ? Joyce is creating words out of the feast, according to sound, history meaning allusion aliteration, he plays withe the "wee wee..." Larva. I have to get from my neices house....

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