"Not how the world is, is the mystical, but that it is."

Immediately called to mind

I Am Who Am.

I've always preferred this grammatical formulation, without the extra i. more Wittgenstein, less Popeye. Although it must be said the limits of one's knowledge of Hebrew are the limits of one's world in this instance.

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what dyou mean. He didnt write in hebrew he wrote in german. I think, I mean the quotes are a translation from the german. and at this point, they have been translated my belief so many times that these are (songwise) his "standards"

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I was talking about Exodus. I feel God introduces Himself rather mystically!

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I tink all gods come through the mystic. That it is, at least for Moi, another name or word or category of/for the sublime, or aspects of the sublime. Every exodus "folds" into the spiritual journey -- Yoko would agree.however incanted and concantinated through sublime time, includes great times of no matter how many times the worm is sliced or changed by it, the memory remains. New Yeats Saucy Plunder over the Wittgeinsteins Ladder Joke: Sublime Time.

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I think what I was thinking was:

I AM WHO I AM = how it is

I AM WHO AM = that it is

Losing my grip on this thought - that's me all over; thwarted by a cheap flimsy ladder!

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This is great. I have a copy of Wittgenstein's Major Works, which doesn't have Philosophical Investigations, unfortunately, only the Blue and Brown Book, Tractatus, and his studies for Philosophical Investigations. I've had this book for over a year and have maybe read a third. I don't have the brain power. I have to reread every paragraph a dozen times. His work makes your head want to explode, in a good way, though.

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I think of him as prismatic. And he has this shiny ball. and he can look through pinholes and see substructures, that then line up via math and science aligned constructions, except that it aint numbers its all language, and because of that, impossible. numbers can keep themselves in place. pretty well. language is soupy. It is Soupy Sails climbing out on his ladder --- search for what in it appeals to you, let the rest slide.....

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That's exactly the approach I have taken while reading his work. I also know I won't understand more than half of what he says, but it won't stop me from trying to benefit from reading it. Prismatic is a solid word to describe him.

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Very powerful post. Wittgenstein will help me find even more slippery beauty in your work—climb the ladder and leave it behind, catch and release. I’m looking forward to the extensions.

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